A fashion company that specializes in making sportswear, Converse was created in 1908. In 1917 the company started making shoes specifically for basketball players. The first player to endorse the brand was Charles "Chuck" Taylor, who added his signature to the brand in 1920. There are a few variations of the logo that are used for different departments of the company but the designer Jim Labadini can take credit for the design of the "chevron and star" logo. The brand is still very popular, and my dad who grew up in the 50's and 60's still talks about the pair of Chuck Taylor sneakers that he used to have when he was a boy. The brand has been kept consistent which has most likely helped with the recognition of the brand. I tend to like things that are retro and while the brand may have been refurbished it still reminds me of something from a different generation.
Information from http://famouslogos.net/converse-logo/
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